Here are postpartum care essentials that have been absolute lifesavers during this time:
December 11, 2024
My First Holiday Gift Guide:
At the heart of gift-giving is attunement. It’s more than just paying attention; it’s about being aware of and responsive to the people you love.
December 10, 2024
Why I Haven’t Set a Goal Since 2019
It’s not that I’ve never created or achieved a goal—in fact, I’ve hit most of my goals when I’ve set them. But I’ve learned that goal-setting doesn’t serve me as well as intention-setting does.
December 9, 2024
Investment Pieces: Redefining Your Wardrobe Essentials
Four times a year, a super-stylish person takes to the internet to tell us novice fashion and style girlies about the 8–10 must-have investment pieces for the season.
December 6, 2024
To My Daughter, Ryu Zara
My labor with you was remarkably peaceful. We had a scheduled induction, beginning at 3:30 PM, and you arrived almost exactly eleven hours later after just two big pushes.
December 2, 2024
Is Fashion Functional First?
This realization has made me think about how fashion works best when it starts with function. Instead of chasing trends, it’s about asking: what do I need?
November 29, 2024
Best Case Scenario Journaling
At the end of every year, I reflect on my life by answering 21 questions about the seven areas of happiness. This ritual usually starts right after Thanksgiving and wraps up before the first weekend in December.
October 13, 2024
Fashion TikTok-ers Who Inspire Me
It was the style content, though, that sparked the most joy I’d felt online in a long time. Soon, I found myself consuming style content just as much, if not more, than book content.
October 9, 2024
My Husband Thinks My Food Is Bland—And I’m Devastated
When we first started dating, I asked him how he liked to be romanced. One of his top three answers? Food.
October 7, 2024
How Sourdough Helps Me Find Happiness
Estee is my fifth attempt at creating a sourdough starter. My first try followed a TikTok creator’s instructions to the letter, and while I learned a lot—like discarding the starter into the trash, not the sink, and how much environment impacts the process.
Hello, I'm Stacey!
I’m a newlywed, new housewife, and stay-at-home mom learning to embrace this beautiful season of life with intention and happiness. Here, I share my journey of creating a happy home, personal style tips, and practical advice for living richly in every moment.