How to Create a Successful Breastfeeding Routine: My Newborn’s Nursing Schedule and Journey

Last week, I shared on Instagram that my day starts at 3 a.m. because my daughter, Ry, nurses like clockwork at that time. The post sparked so many questions! You wanted to know if she follows a feeding regimen, how I learned what I know about breastfeeding, and whether I had any book recommendations. Some of you even asked about my favorite breastfeeding products—don’t worry, I’ll save those for another post so this one doesn’t get too long.

Here’s a breakdown of our breastfeeding journey, along with tips for making your own experience successful.

Do You Have Your Newborn on a Feeding Regimen?

Yes, I do! Ry nurses every three hours. Her feeding schedule looks like this:
3 a.m., 6 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and 12 a.m.

When she turns three months old, I plan to slowly drop her 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. feedings over the course of four weeks. Ideally, she’ll transition to sleeping 8–10 hours straight. It will take some time and consistency, but the habits I’m creating now are designed to set us up for success later.

Do You Recommend Any Books About Breastfeeding?

I don’t have any book recommendations, but I learned a lot from consulting with both a lactation consultant and my pediatrician. The lactation consultant, in particular, helped me understand how and why newborns nurse the way they do, which made finding our rhythm much easier.

I also nursed my son for 18 months, so I had a general idea of what to expect. If you’re a first-time mom, speaking with a lactation consultant or joining a breastfeeding support group could be a game-changer.

Phases of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding isn’t just about putting your baby to the breast—it’s a journey with distinct phases:

  1. Mastering the Latch
    During our birth, Ry arrived in just two pushes. Immediately after, we had our golden hour—an uninterrupted hour of skin-to-skin bonding. Thanks to an amazing nurse who protected this sacred time, I was able to focus on introducing Ry to breastfeeding. Her first latch was intense—she clamped down almost instantly. It was painful, but the joy of holding my daughter for the first time overshadowed the discomfort. By the time we left the hospital, I felt confident in her latch, thanks to the support of a lactation consultant who helped me express colostrum and refine our technique.
  2. Establishing Milk Supply
    This stage happens over several weeks and involves frequent nursing sessions. Misunderstanding milk supply is one of the main reasons moms give up on breastfeeding. I’ll write a detailed post about this soon, but the key takeaway is this: milk supply is established through consistency.
  3. Creating a Routine
    Our current routine looks like this:
    • Wake her up (or respond when she wakes up).
    • Change her diaper.
    • Nurse her (switching the starting breast each time).
    • Burp her.
    • Offer the other breast.
    • Burp her again.
  4. If she falls asleep during nursing, I pump the remaining milk and store it for later. This routine started with feedings every two hours and gradually stretched to every three hours. Eventually, we’ll move to every four hours, then every six, until she’s sleeping through the night.

How Do You Know She’s Getting Enough Milk?

When breastfeeding, you track output (diapers), not input (milk quantity). My pediatrician recommended aiming for 8–10 wet/dirty diapers per day during the newborn stage. So long as Ry hits that target, I know she’s getting enough.

It’s important not to rely solely on how full or empty your breasts feel. Your milk supply adjusts to meet your baby’s needs and changes over time, so your breasts may feel different day to day.

What Role Does Dad Play in Breastfeeding?

Her dad is actively involved! I started pumping as soon as we got home from the hospital to build a milk stash. At first, I was pumping about an ounce per breast, but now I get 2.5–3 ounces per breast.

Her dad gave her her first bottle at two weeks old, and it was such a special moment to watch them bond. While Ry prefers nursing directly, she does take bottles occasionally—about 10% of her feedings come from bottles, while 90% are from the breast.

We don’t have a set routine for bottle feedings, but we follow her three-hour schedule. I currently store breastmilk in 2-ounce, 3-ounce, and 4-ounce bags to accommodate her growing appetite.

What Advice Do You Have for Breastfeeding Moms?

Wake Your Baby to Feed
It’s okay to wake a sleeping baby for feedings, especially in the early days. This helps master the latch, establish your milk supply, and develop a routine.

Focus on Your Baby While Nursing
Breastfeeding is a deeply hormonal process. Looking at your baby during nursing triggers oxytocin, a hormone essential for milk production. For at least the first five minutes of each feeding, put away your phone, turn off distractions, and just look your baby.

Track Diapers, Not Breast Fullness
Output is a better indicator than how full your breasts feel. Consistently tracking wet and dirty diapers will give you peace of mind about your milk supply.

Listen to Helpful Support

I highly recommend following The Breastfeeding Doctor on TikTok. Her insights have been incredibly helpful! While she’s not my doctor, her content is informative and empowering for breastfeeding moms.

Breastfeeding is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and flexibility. Whether you’re nursing every two hours or starting to introduce bottles, the most important thing is to find a rhythm that works for both you and your baby.

Hello, I'm Stacey!

I’m a newlywed, new housewife, and stay-at-home mom learning to embrace this beautiful season of life with intention and happiness. Here, I share my journey of creating a happy home, personal style tips, and practical advice for living richly in every moment.